hPSC-Nephron Differentiation kit
Cat. No. RP01015
Features:Used for efficient differentiation of hPSC into renal organoids.
Contents Amount Cat. No. Storage
hPSC-Nephron Differentiation kit 1 Kit RP01015

Basal Medium 2℃~8℃

Supplements -20℃~-80℃

  • Overview
  • Citation
  • hPSC-Nephron Differentiation Kit(RP01015)is designed facilitate the efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) into Kidney Organoid, exhibiting a nephron-like structure upon maturation. These mature organoids express specific marker such as CDH1, LTL, PODXL, etc., making them a versatile choice for various in vitro experiments, drug screening and safety evaluation, and cell transplantation studies in disease animal models.



    Cell morphology


    A, B, C: cell morphology on days 4, 6 and 8 during the differentiation process of hPSC-Nephron Differentiation Kit.

    D, E: cell morphology on days 14 and 20 of 2D differentiation; F: Enlarged illustration of cell morphology on day 20 of 2D differentiation.

    G: cell morphology on the 13th day of 3D differentiation; H, I: Illustration of the cell morphology on the 17th day of 3D differentiation. Scale bar: 200μm.


    Detection of specific marker expression of hPSC-derived renal epithelial cells


    Illustration of specific marker expression detection (immunofluorescence staining) of hPSC- Nephron (2D differentiation, Day 20).

    PODXL, CDH1, LTL and PAX8 are specific markers for podocytes, distal tubules and proximal tubules respectively (inverted fluorescence microscope). Scale bar: 100μm.

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